DPS is a dream project of our honourable Founder Kr. Bheem Singh jee. It is a commune of people who have devoted themselves for the education and character formation of future leaders of our great nation. The whole world is looking at India. We have the highest number of youth in the world. We envision and hope that enlightened pupils of DPS will be an integral part of young India and contribute enthusiastically to transform India into a pollution free, crime free, corruption free, inflation free, self-reliant, developed and powerful nation which, as Vishwaguru, will disseminate sublime wisdom to whole world thus creating a peaceful livable planet.

We aim for Adhyayan (Academic Excellence), Anushasan (Discipline) Adhyatma (Spirituality), Sanskriti (Heritage) and Sanskar (Culture) – thus creating physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, ethically, socially and spiritually integrated persona in ourDPSSian LCs (Lady Cadets) and GCs (Gentleman Cadets). Our alumni will love and serve the nation till their last breath and will always ponder over and prefer the motto of their lives.

Along with these, they will be armed with 21st century leadership and entrepreneurship skills and aptitudes to face the cut throat competitions of today’s globalized world.

We believe DPS, as a seat of learning, shall evolve and deliver the curricula, courses, case studies including projects, coaching and counselling with a view to realize its mission. This is clearly enumerated in the ‘Statement of Purpose’ (SoP) which our founder has dedicated to the present and future generations of learners and educators. Our educational initiatives have already won acclaim all over the Bharatpur region.